
Espinet, M., Junyent, M., Amat, A., & Castelltort, A. (2015). Moving schools towards ESD in Catalonia, Spain: the tensions of a change. In R. Jucker & R. Mathar (Eds.), Schooling for Sustainable Development in Europe (pp. 177–199). Springer.
Amat, A., & Espinet, M. (2015). Parent’s involvement in the teaching of school science: An analysis of the tensions they face in kindergarten and primary school shared activities. ESERA 2015.
Amat, A., & Espinet, M. (2015). Managing difficulties in the building of a community agroecological learning environment. ESERA 2015.
Amat, A., & Espinet, M. (2014). How can they work together? School vegetable garden as a boundary object. Seminar on Research on ESD after the UN Decade: Trends and News at the CoDeS Conference Designing a Sustainable Future through School and Community Collaboration.